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@elastic/charts / computeRatioByGroups

Function: computeRatioByGroups()

computeRatioByGroups<T>(data, groupAccessors, valueGetterSetters): T[]

The function computes the participation ratio of a value in the total sum of its membership group. It returns a shallow copy of the input array where each object is augmented with the computed ratio.

Type parameters

T extends Record<string, unknown>


data: T[]

an array of objects

groupAccessors: GroupKeysOrKeyFn<T>

an array of accessor keys or a fn to describe an unique id for each group

valueGetterSetters: [(datum) => unknown, (datum, value) => T][]

an array of getter and setter functions for the metric and ratio values




The ratio is computed using absolute values. Product A made a profit of $200, and product B has a loss of $300. In total, the company lost $100 ($200 – $300). Product A has a weight of: abs(200) / ( abs(200) + abs(-300) ) * 100% = 40% Product B has a weight of: abs(-300) / ( abs(200) + abs(-300) ) * 100% = 60% Product A and product B have respectively a weight of 40% and 60% in the formation of the overall total loss of $100.

We don't compute the ratio for non-finite values. In this case, we return the original non-finite value.

If the sum of the group values is 0, each ratio is considered 0.



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